
Are Animal Control Officers Actually Law Enforcement In Missouri

JEFFERSON CITY, MO- According to reports, Missouri lawmakers are considering a pecker that would found a "bill of rights" for police enforcement officers.

The bill, sponsored by Senator Bill Eigel (R- Charles County), would also create a "988 Public Safety Fund," which co-ordinate to Senate Bill 26:

"Shall be used by the Department of Public Safety for the purposes of providing services for peace officers to assist in cooping with stress and potential psychological trauma resulting from a response to a critical incident or emotionally difficult outcome.

Such service may include consultation, risk assessment, pedagogy, intervention, and other crisis intervention services."

Additionally, nether the proposed neb, law enforcement officers who are the subjects of an investigation that could result in punitive activity would have to be informed well-nigh the alleged violation and who would be conducting the investigation.

The "police nib of rights" provides procedural protections for officers facing disciplinary investigations.

Officers would have a right to an attorney during any of the questioning and officers could only exist interviewed during their work hours. Investigations would have to exist wrapped up in 90 days.

When the investigation is complete, records of the investigation would exist sealed and exempt from disclosure nether the Sunshine Police unless ordered released by subpoena or court society. Eigel said in a statement:

"We're making sure certain due process protections that are already in place for a formal criminal procedure are in place during the investigation process for these officers."

Eigel said that the bill would allow for a fairer disciplinary system for officers who "are nether more scrutiny and pressure level today than they have been in my memory." The bill reads:

"Law enforcement officers shall non exist threatened, harassed, or promised rewards for answering questions, except that a constabulary enforcement officer may be compelled to give protected statements to an investigator under directly command of the agency."

The investigating entity would be mandated to keep a consummate record of the investigation and upon request, would exist required to manus over a copy of the investigation to the officeholder.

In add-on to the investigation being wrapped up within 90 days, the officer would need to exist provided with "the investigative finds and any recommendations for further action" within five days.

Any officer cleared of wrongdoing would be entitled to bounty for any financial loss incurred during the investigation. Officers without pay would be entitled to a "full due process hearing" under the proposed legislation. According to the bill:

"Law enforcement officers shall not exist disciplined for dismissed every bit a result of the assertion of their constitutional rights in any judicial proceeding, unless the officer admits to wrongdoing."

The proposed bill would also get in illegal for protesters to block a public roadway and establishes a potential felony charge for echo offenders.

Under the nib, police would be able to charge those who vandalize public monuments or a structure on public property with a felony count of institutional vandalism.

Under this measure, taxpayers in jurisdictions that opt to defund their police section by "more than 12% relative to the proposed budgets of other departments of the political subdivision over a v year aggregate amount" would be able to seek injunctive relief through the court.

If this pecker is passed into law, suspects convicted of a dangerous felony where the victim is an on-duty police enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical provider would exist ineligible for probation or parole if the bill is passed into law.

The package of police protections passed the Senate this past week. Eigel said:

"I retrieve when we talk about the violence in our cities and the comport that goes in some of those chaotic situations, I'll be honest with yous, I don't think our law departments are the start area I'm looking at in lodge to look for improved behavior."

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"Constabulary protection" constabulary goes into effect in Georgia, which volition target criminals who harass or attack first responders

Jan 3rd, 2021

ATLANTA, GA – A new police has gone in issue in Georgia, one that treats attacks – be they harassment or physical – against police officers motivated solely or in office by them beingness first responders will exist treated every bit a "bias-motivated offense".

In short, these sort of criminal acts directed toward law enforcement will bear a resemblance to how hate crimes are treated.

Back in August of 2020, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed House Beak 838, then known equally the Police force Protection Act, into law. Later on existence rebranded equally the "Bias Motivated Intimidation of First Responders Prosecution Act", the law has now come into upshot as of January 1st, 2021.

Ever since word got round that Governor Kemp signed the act into law dorsum in August of 2020, those bearing anti-police force sentiments were upset that constabulary officers being targeted for violence or harassment would exist treated similar to those experiencing similar offenses that were motivated for traditional protected statuses.

In an effort to malign the law back in August, the Georgia NAACP referred to the legislation as the "Law Hate Crimes Bill". Which, while it was an attempt to manufacture outrage over the legislation, information technology's mayhap 1 of the most authentic descriptions of the police.

Examining the legislation in the most simplest of terms, offenders who target either actual first responders or people they only suspect to be get-go responders could face one to 5 years in prison for acts ranging from harassment to murder.

For instance, if a doubtable intentionally damaged a police officeholder's property in Georgia – and there's evidence to suggest the law-breaking was committed considering the victim was a police officeholder – then the doubtable would face "bias motivated" charges on elevation of whatever other criminals charges are practical.

Basically, things that were already illegal in Georgia – harassment, assail/battery, murder, property damage, etc. – can now encounter suspects face up more astringent consequences of they're found to accept victimized someone because they know/believe they're a first responder.

And so while the legislation itself isn't exactly making annihilation illegal that wasn't before, it is serving as a means to create intermission within would-be offenders who wish to victimize people based upon their profession in law enforcement.

When Governor Kemp get-go signed the bill into police force, he stated the following:

"Firm Bill 838 is a step forward as we piece of work to protect those who are risking their lives to protect us."

"While some vilify, target, and attack our men and women in compatible for personal or political gain, this legislation is a clear reminder that Georgia is a country that unapologetically backs the blue."

Atlanta Urban center councilmember Antonio Dark-brown is among those offended past the passing and now reality of the law existing. He stated that making attacks confronting police officers a bias motivated crime is somehow disrespectful to families who lost loved ones due to police misconduct:

"People accept loss their lives and get martyrs in the face of change in our urban center, country and country and this is a consummate boldness to these individuals' families."

While councilman Brown is non among those who champion defunding the police, he continued to denigrate the new law as a "slap in the face" to those amidst the anti-constabulary protesters as of late:

"I believe the new police protection legislation that governor Kemp signed into police force is reactive and a complete slap in the face of all the customs organizers, activists, local municipalities that take worked tirelessly, non but during the unrest we've seen over the concluding year but over the last decade, to bridge the divide between police and community."

Despite divided takes on the new law going into outcome, this serves every bit a skillful twenty-four hours for police enforcement in the state of Georgia.

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For example, a type of crime that would likely be treated as such in Georgia nether this new law was ane that occurred earlier this year in Oklahoma.

Back in Baronial, a law officer's family cat was murdered and mutilated and placed in front of their home in a gruesome display.

Here'southward that previous report from Baronial of 2020.


Broken Arrow, OK –In what is reminiscent of a scene from the original Godfather, an incident was recently reported in which a constabulary officer's cat was brutally killed and cut in one-half.  The bulletin, existence investigated by the department is that the officer or officers should be killed.

The Broken Arrow Police Department recently began an investigation regarding the gruesome killing of a Bengal true cat that belonged to a police officer and his family unit.

Police study that the family unit lives in Broken Pointer and their beloved family cut had been cutting into two pieces and gutted.  The cat was left for the family to notice across the street from their residence over the past weekend.

Broken Arrow Law Department written report that there was no way that an animal could accept peradventure done the damage witnessed on the cat.  The damage that was done could only have been done by some ill and twisted human.

Equally far as the family goes, their cat, Capone, is devasted that someone would practice that to whatever animal, permit lonely theirs.  The officer, who belongs to the Tulsa Police force Department, said that the cat had been in their family for the concluding 9 years.

Police believe that the family could have been targeted because their neighbors, and anyone who would pass past, would know that a law officer lives there.  That would be because the officer would park his marked police vehicle in their driveway, and they fly a thin blue line outside of their residence.

Because of that, police believe that whoever brutally killed and tortured the family unit pet did and so because they knew it belonged to a police force officer.  As such, the Broken Arrow Police Section is investigating the killing as a detest crime.

The family, forth with members of the neighborhood and the Oklahoma Alliance for Animals have joined forces to offering a $ii,500 reward for the abort and conviction of whomever is responsible.

The Broken Arrow Constabulary Department advises that they are pursuing the investigation as if information technology were a detest criminal offence.  Oklahoma and Federal police force determine that a bias or detest incident is divers every bit whatsoever deed of prejudice that are non crimes and do not involve violence, threats, or property impairment.

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