
Who Uses Tigers Are Their National Animal

National creature of India is the Royal Bengal Tiger. This essay provides some interesting information on tiger.

Mutual Name: Regal Bengal Tiger

Scientific Name: Panthera tigris tigris

Adopted in: 1972

Plant in: India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka

Habitat: Grasslands, forests, mangrove vegetation

Eating Habits: Cannibal

Average weight: Male – 220 Kg; Female person – 140 Kg

Average Length: Male – upto 3 m; Female person - upto 2.6 yard

Boilerplate Lifespan: viii-10 years in wild

Average Speed: 60km/h

Conservation Status: Endangered (IUCN Red List)

Current number: 2500 in 2016

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A national animal is ane of the symbolic representatives of a country'southward natural abundance. The pick is based on several criteria. The national animal may be selected based on how well it represents certain characteristics that a country wants to be identified with. It has to have a rich history as part of the state'south heritage and culture. The animal should be in affluence within the country. By and large a national animate being should be indigenous to that detail country and exclusive to the state's identity. It should be a source of visual beauty. The national fauna is also called based on the conservation status of the fauna to enable meliorate efforts towards its connected survival due to the official status.

National animal of India is the Regal Bengal Tiger. Regal and lethal at the same fourth dimension, these are ane of the near graceful carnivores amid the Indian fauna. The Majestic Bengal tiger is the symbol of strength, agility and grace, a combination that is unmatched past any other animal. It is representative of all these qualities as the national animal of India. Scientific name for the Royal Bengal Tiger is Panthera tigris tigris and it is the largest of the 4 large cats under the genus Panthera (Lion, Tiger, Jaguars and Leopards).The Royal Bengal Tiger is amidst the eight varieties of tigers found in India.

Scientific Classification

The scientific classification of Royal Bengal Tigers is as follows:

Kingdom:      Animalia

Phylum:       Chordata

Clade:          Synapsida

Grade:          Mammalia

Guild:          Carnivora

Family:         Felidae

Genus:         Panthera

Species:       Panthera tigris

Subspecies:  Panthera tigris tigris

Scientific Classification
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The tiger is institute in diverse parts of the Indian Subcontinent including India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. In Bharat, it is found in most parts of the country except the north-eastern regions. They are institute in the jungles of West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Odisha. Bharat now is home to lxx% of the world's tiger population. As of 2016 a total number of 2500 developed or sub-adult tigers of 1.v years or more are present in the various tiger reserves beyond India. Bandipur National Park in Karnataka has the highest number of Royal Bengal Tigers at 408 closely followed by Uttarakhand with340 tigers and Madhya Pradesh with 308.


The Imperial Bengal Tigers occupy several habitats in India and may be institute in grasslands and dry scrub land (Ranthambore in Rajasthan), tropical and subtropical rainforests (Corbett in Uttarakhand/Periyar in Kerala), mangroves (Sunderbans), both wet and dry out deciduous forests (Kanha in Madhya Pradesh/Simlipal in Odisha).

Physical Traits

Royal Bengal Tigers are i of the nigh handsome and regal animals found in Bharat. They have a glaze of curt hair, reddish chocolate-brown to golden orangish in color with vertical black stripes and a white underbelly. The eye colour is yellow or amber with black pupils. Majestic Bengal Tigers can also have a white coat with brown or black stripes and blue eye color. The white color of the glaze is due to a mutation in the gene producing pigment pheomelanin and non due to albinism. The pattern of stripes on the coat is distinctive for each tiger and helps in their identification. Regal Bengal Tigers have muscular bodies with powerful fore limbs. They have large heads with a dense growth of fur effectually the lower jaw and long white whiskers. They accept long canines measuring upto 10 cm and large retractable claws. They accept padded paws, splendid vision, keen sense of olfactory property and hearing.

The males abound upto iii meters in length from nose to tail and weigh somewhere in between 180 to 300 Kg. The females of the species may weigh between 100-160 Kg and attain a length of upto ii.6 m. The largest Royal Bengal Tiger till date has weighed around 390 Kg.

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Past nature Royal Bengal tigers are solitary and by and large practice not class packs. They are territorial and the size of their territories depends on the abundance of prey. They generally mark their territories with urine, anal gland secretions and claw marks. The females of the species are mostly accompanied past her cubs until they accomplish adulthood. Royal Bengal Tigers are nocturnal animals. They laze around during the day and hunt during the night. They are splendid swimmers and climb trees with much ease despite their big bodies.

Royal Bengal Tigers are carnivores and they prey mainly on medium sized herbivores such equally chital deer, sambars, nilgais, buffalos and gaurs. They also prey on smaller animals such as rabbits or monkeys. They have also been reported to prey on young elephant and rhino calves.

These tigers use stealth to track their casualty, wait till they are close to them and they pounce while aiming to overpower either by severing the spinal cord or by biting the jugular vein in the throat of the prey. The Regal Bengal tigers can eat upto 30 Kg of meat at a time and can survive for three weeks without nutrient.

Life Cycle

Male tigers reach maturity 4-v years subsequently birth while females attain maturity past 3-4 years of age. There is no fixed season for mating. The gestation menstruum is 95-112 days and the size of the litter may be anywhere between i-5 cubs. Young male leave the mother's territory while the female tigers institute territory close to hers.

Life Cycle
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Threats and Conservation Efforts

Decrease of forest cover leading to loss of habitat and poaching are the two biggest threats that are driving the number of Royal Bengal Tigers towards being tagged endangered by the IUCN Cherry List. Increase in deforestation in gild to provide shelter for the growing human population, has led to severe unavailability of appropriate territory expanse for the Tigers. Human being population has invaded land inside the protected areas of National Parks designated equally restricted. Natural calamities like cyclones Aila had wrought considerable damage to the forest and irresolute climate is leading to sinking of the forested land in the Sunderbans areas of W Bengal. Every bit a consequence the tiger population is getting affected in the surface area.

Poaching poses some other bang-up threat towards survival of Regal Bengal Tigers in Bharat. The illegal merchandise in tiger pare and huge market for tiger bones and teeth for medicinal purposes fuel these gangs of poachers. Poachers gear up up camps in vulnerable areas and use firearms likewise as poison to overpower and subsequently kill the tigers. Despite strict anti-poaching laws in place, wood authorities go along to fail in implementing them. Rajasthan's Sariska Tiger Reserve lost all of its 26 tiger population in 2006, mostly to poaching.

The Indian Wildlife Protection Human action was brought into action in 1972 afterwards the Regal Bengal Tiger was declared the National Animal and it enables regime agencies to take strict measures and so as to ensure the conservation of the Bengal tigers. Project Tiger was launched in 1973 with an aim to preserve viability of the Royal Bengal Tigers in India and increment their numbers. Currently, there are 48 defended tiger reserves in India, several of whom has been successful in increasing the number of tigers in the respective area due to careful monitoring of individual tigers using GIS methods. Strict anti-poaching rules and dedicated chore force have been set up to eradicate the threat of poaching from these reserves. Ranthambore National Park is a glorious instance in this regards.

In Legends and Culture

Tiger has e'er held a identify of prominence in Indian culture. Information technology is ane of the animals to be featured in the famed Pashupati seal of the Indus Valley Civilization. In Hindu mythology and Vedic era, the tiger was a symbol of ability. It was oftentimes depicted equally the animal vehicle of the various forms of Goddess Durga. To endow an appropriate prominence as national animal, the Royal Bengal Tiger has been featured in Indian currency notes as well as postage stamps.


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