
How To Draw Medium Length Anime Girl Hair

Painter: Depict Anime

The Complete Guide on How to Draw Anime Hair

Like clothing, anime pilus can assistance yous bring out your character's personality.

At that place are several hairstyles you lot can choose from, and you tin can besides colour them notwithstanding yous want. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to draw hair for both male and female characters.

Although both characters can have long or brusque hair, nosotros opted to sketch short pilus for the boy anime and long hair for the girl anime.

How to Describe Anime Girl Hair

  1. First, you'll need to sketch the head, since you can't have pilus without a head. Draw the head in the shape of an inverted egg because it needs to be narrow at the lesser. You can add some ears too.
  2. Next, you'll demand to describe the hairline. The hairline volition guide you when y'all're cartoon the front end and side sections of the hair.

How to Draw Anime Girl Hair

Measure 1/5th of the height of the head and draw an arch from one side of the head to the other. Brand certain you follow the curvature of the head every bit you draw.

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How to Draw Anime Girl Hair

  1. Draw the front section of the hair. At that place are different means to approach this footstep, depending on the hairstyle you desire. For this tutorial, we're going to go with swooping bangs.

To attain this expect, you'll demand to draw a few spiky sections. The sections should come up downwardly from the hairline and curve to i side.

  1. Outline the top, sides, and ends of the hair. Sketch curved lines along both sides of the caput, down to where you want the pilus to end. The lines should start at the center, slightly in a higher place the head.

Start by post-obit the curvature of the head, and then straighten each line once you lot're halfway down. Afterwards, connect each finish of the hair to the hairline using a line.

  1. Add together some details to the hair by drawing several lines from the roots to the ends of the hair.
  2. Get rid of the lines that indicate the head and the hairline. These lines are usually not visible since they're covered with hair.
  3. Color or shade the pilus, and you're done.

How to Describe Anime Boy Hair

The start few steps are similar to the ones we followed when drawing anime hair for girls.

  1. Repeat steps one to three. Although for the bangs, y'all could choose to draw three.
  2. Sketch the residuum of the hair. Nosotros're going to draw short spiky pilus, so you should sketch a few thick singled-out spikes that extend away from the head. Start drawing them from 1 end of the hairline arch to the other.
  3. Give the pilus more depth past adding some item inside the outline. Add some lines to break upward the hair sections.
  4. Remove the guidelines carefully.
  5. Finish the drawing past coloring or shading the hair.

How to Draw Anime Boy Hair


At present that you've come to the cease of this tutorial, you're going to have an piece of cake fourth dimension sketching long and short anime hair for any character. With time, you lot'll also exist able to mix things up and experiment with hairstyles you lot've seen on your favorite anime and manga.

Download Painter to First Drawing Anime Hair Today


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